Travel and transport

Bus passes

You can apply for a bus pass for free travel when you reach the female State Pension age (whether you're a man or a woman), or if you have certain disabilities. This gives you free travel on most local bus services in England between 9.30am and 11pm weekdays and all day at weekends and on public holidays. In Plymouth you can also use it on Park and Ride services.

You can apply for your pass at any library (except pop up libraries) or the 1st Stop shop and it will be sent to your home address within 10 days. We'll take your photograph when you apply, but please bring with you proof that you live in Plymouth and proof of your age or disability.

If you're aged 80 and over or registered blind you can enhance your pass so that you can travel free before 9.30am (within Plymouth). Update your pass (up to 10 days before your 80th birthday) by calling 01752 668000 or emailing

Find out more about bus passes

Disabled parking

A blue badge allows people with severe mobility difficulties to park near shops, stations and other facilities. The scheme is open to people who travel as a driver or as a passenger.

Find out more about disabled parking


Disabled Go provides free, detailed access information for disabled people across the UK.

Find out more about disabled access (DisabledGo)


Main page source: Plymouth City Council